Monday 27 October 2014

Podcast Episode 3 - TTIP, lung cancer and dementia screening, killer spiders...

In our third podcast, Dave and I discuss appearing on Question Time, TTIP, lung cancer screening, dementia and killer spiders.  Enjoy! Share! Feed back!

If you want to download it to your computer, you can click this link directly.

Or you can point your RSS reader or podcast app to the following feed:

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Podcast Episode 2 - Anaesthetic awareness, sporting head injuries, ebola.

In our second podcast, Dave and I answer the question 'Will I wake up during my operation?' and discuss sporting head injuries, ebola, green cola and dogs.  Enjoy! Share! Feed back!

If you want to download it to your computer, you can click this link directly.

Or you can point your RSS reader or podcast app to the following feed:

Podcast Episode 1 - eCigarettes, Scottish Independence and the NFL!